Session Detail

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Session Detail

Section 504
Section 504 Legal Updates

Section 504 training in a variety of topic areas.

Important Session Information:

Join us for an engaging and informative professional development opportunity as we delve into the latest legal updates surrounding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This workshop aims to comprehensively understand the evolving landscape of educational equity and compliance.
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CEU
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Melina Renteria
Marissa Herrera
Region 10 Contractor
Cheri Mouden
Date Time Location
9/30/2024 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Bluebonnet, Mockingbird, Pecan Combined Rooms
Region 10, Bluebonnet Huddle, Mockingbird Huddle, Pecan Huddle A, Pecan Huddle B
904 Abrams Rd., Richardson, 75081
Region 10 Education Service Center
Second Location
400 E. Spring Valley Rd.
904 Abrams Rd
Richardson, TX 75081-5101
Richardson, TX 75081
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