Section 504 Leadership Meetings is a series of quarterly meetings designed to provide the most up to date information to our Section 504 leaders. Meetings are held in partnership with surrounding ESC leadership meetings. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Funding Updates
- State and Federal Updates
- Legal Updates
- Programming Updates
- Recent hot topic updates from our expert team
- Research Based Decision Making Resources
Section 504 leaders to include directors and/or director designees are encouraged to attend to get the most up to date information from the experts in Special Populations.
There are two price tiers for this event
1. Region 10 public local education agencies receive free registration
2. Out of Region and/or Private/Non-Profit entities pay $100.00
Discounts will be reflected at checkout.
If paying with a P.O., please send a copy of the P.O. to Melina Renteria at