Please disregard the above statement of indicating only one representative can attend.
This session is intended for multiple participants per LEA.
This session will be a full day interactive session designed for LEA joint attendance by LEA TSDS Technical Champions ( i.e. PEIMS Directors, PEIMS Coordinators) and the special education administrator with oversite for SPP 11 and 12 data collection, monitoring and submission for these indicators.
During this session Region 10 PEIMS consultant team and special education evaluation consultants will review the components of the TSDS child find application, steps for promoting and validating data in TSDS, and common challenges and solutions to investigate when data reported is inaccurate. Participants should come with technology, should have required rights in TSDS to review promoted and validated data, so that district reports can be run and reviewed by participants during the session.
There are two price tiers for this event
1. Region 10 public local education agencies receive free registration.
2. Out of Region and/or Private/Non-Profit entities pay $150.
Discounts will be reflected at checkout.
If paying with a P.O., please send a copy of the P.O. to Heidy Carrillo at