Session ID: 2660483
Date/Time: Thursday, May 1, 2025 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Thursday, May 1, 2025 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Location:REGION 10 ESC (ABRAMS), Bluebonnet Room Contact Person: Daisey Leyva Seats Filled: 13 / 40 Fee: $100.00 Important Session Information:
Join us for the Pre-Kindergarten Administrator Lunch and Learn! These sessions are specifically designed for Early Childhood Administrators and focus on specific components of High-Quality Early Childhood Education. Build your Professional Learning Community as we brainstorm, network, and learn together. We hope you will join us for one, or all, of these sessions! ***Please note: To register for this session, please log-in to your Region 10 account. Important Information: *THERE ARE TWO PRICE TIERS FOR THIS EVENT 1. REGION 10 Early Childhood Package MEMBERS RECEIVE FREE REGISTRATION 2. IN-REGION/OUT OF REGION, NON-COOPERATIVE MEMBERS PAY $100 DISCOUNTS WILL BE REFLECTED AT CHECKOUT. If paying with a P.O. please send a copy of the P.O. to If you are interested in joining the Region 10 Early Childhood Package, please contact Dr. Kelley Estes-Jones (972) 348-1780 or
Session ID: 2660853
Date/Time: Thursday, May 22, 2025 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Location:REMOTE OTHER, VIRTUAL_ASSIGNMENT Contact Person: Maira Duarte Seats Filled: 18 / 40 Fee: $100.00 Important Session Information: Please Note: This is the virtual session option. Join us for the Pre-Kindergarten Administrator Lunch and Learn! These sessions are specifically designed for Early Childhood Administrators and focus on specific components of High-Quality Early Childhood Education. Build your Professional Learning Community as we brainstorm, network, and learn together. We hope you will join us for one, or all, of these sessions! ***Please note: To register for this session, please log-in to your Region 10 account. This course is being offered as Face-to-Face or Virtual. Please be sure to register for your desired offering. Important Information: *THERE ARE TWO PRICE TIERS FOR THIS EVENT 1. REGION 10 Early Childhood Package MEMBERS RECEIVE FREE REGISTRATION 2. IN-REGION/OUT OF REGION, NON-COOPERATIVE MEMBERS PAY $100 DISCOUNTS WILL BE REFLECTED AT CHECKOUT. If paying with a P.O. please send a copy of the P.O. to If you are interested in joining the Region 10 Early Childhood Package, please contact Dr. Kelley Estes-Jones (972) 348-1780 or