School Psychologists and Speech Language Pathologists must work collaboratively as part of the Full Individual Evaluation assessment team when determining whether a student meets disability as a student with autism and a speech impairment. Assessment of a child’s pragmatic language is an important component of a Full Individual Evaluation for determining these eligibilities. Pragmatic assessment options have grown over the years, but it is still hard to determine what makes a good pragmatic assessment and what key components you should look for when doing pragmatic observations. This presentation will discuss a variety of standardized measures that can be used in a pragmatic evaluation and what information we gain from these assessments. In addition, information will be provided on how to conduct a strong informal assessment of pragmatic language skills through a variety of observations and checklists and through a collaborative lens with the evaluation team. We will discuss key components to look for when conducting an observation in different settings and review what an observation looks like in a written report form. Finally, we will contrast the differences between social skills with those of pragmatic language disorders. At the end of this session, the participants will be able to demonstrate how the School Psychologists and Speech Language Pathologist must work together to gather and analyze the pragmatic information from students to help them determine the three questions for eligibility: Is there a disability, Is there an educational need, and does it require specialized instruction from a speech/language pathologist.
TSHA and NASP CPD credits can be earned with this session.
NASP Domains:
1. Data-Based Decision Making;
2. Consultation and Collaboration;
9. Research and Evidence-Based Practices
There are two price tiers for this event
1. Region 10 public local education agencies receive free registration.
2. Out of Region and/or Private/Non-Profit entities pay $150.
Discounts will be reflected at checkout.
If paying with a P.O., please send a copy of the P.O. to Heidy Carrillo at