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Session Detail

Data-Based Decision Making
Lunch and Learn: Autism Evaluation 101 Series Part 3

Domain 1: Data-Based Decision Making

School psychologists understand and utilize assessment methods for identifying strengths and needs; developing effective interventions, services, and programs; and measuring progress and outcomes within a multitiered system of supports. School psychologists use a problem-solving framework as the basis for all professional activities. School psychologists systematically collect data from multiple sources as a foundation for decision-making at the individual, group, and systems levels, and they consider ecological factors (e.g., classroom, family, and community characteristics) as a context for assessment and intervention.

Important Session Information:

In this three part series, participants will learn and review the basics of conducting a thorough autism assessment. Part one will focus on reviewing the disability criteria, data sources, and types of assessment measures.

There are two price tiers for this event 1. Region 10 public local education agencies receive free registration. 2. Out of Region and/or Private/Non-Profit entities pay $25.00. Discounts will be reflected at checkout. If paying with a P.O., please send a copy of the P.O. to Heidy Carrillo at
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(1) CEU
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Heidy Carrillo
Latisha Stephenson
Date Time Location
9/27/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Special Populations Zoom01
Region 10 Education Service Center
Second Location
400 E. Spring Valley Rd.
904 Abrams Rd
Richardson, TX 75081-5101
Richardson, TX 75081
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