Session Detail

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Session Detail

CTE Work-Based Learning
Career Prep and Practicum Training

Work-based Learning for CTE Teachers

Important Session Information:

This course will prepare you to teach Career Preparation I and II, as well as Practicum courses. This training will cover the requirements of work-based learning courses and will detail how to incorporate rules, regulations, and requirements into the course. Successful completion of the course will fulfill the requirement for TEA.

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CEU
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Spenser Adams
Spenser Adams
Date Time Location
6/27/2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Frio and Sabine Combined Rooms
Region 10
904 Abrams Rd., Richardson, 75081
Region 10 Education Service Center
Second Location
400 E. Spring Valley Rd.
904 Abrams Rd
Richardson, TX 75081-5101
Richardson, TX 75081
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